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A platform where social connection is stimulated through culture and art and the safeguarding, practice and transmission of the Afro-Caribbean heritage is central


Topa’ (ontmoeten in het Papiamentu)  is een  ontmoeting waar inspireren, uitwisselen en verbinden via cultuur, dans en muziek centraal staat. Verdieping in danstaal wordt opgezocht en wederzijds begrip gestimuleerd door meer te leren over elkaars afkomst en culturele identiteit.


Deze sessies zijn een actieve ontdekkingsreis tussen dans en muziek naar nieuwe vormen geïnspireerd door muzikale uitdagingen, persoonlijke verbinding en creatieve opdrachten vanuit roots en identiteit. 

 TOPA met specials guest: 

 TOPA word gehost door Remses Rafaela.  


‘Kaminda’(Trail in het Papiamentu) is een een eerbetoon aan de band tussen ouder en kind. Het best omschreven als een cinematic poem in movement bevangen dansers en choreografen Remses Rafaela en Anna Maria Suykerbuyk in een korte dansfilm hun persoonlijke reis van het ouderschap. Gedreven door hun grootste bronnen van inspiratie, hun kinderen, delen zij hun persoonlijke ervaringen in een unieke dansdialoog met muziek van Remses Rafaela. 

Thema's: alleenstaand ouderschap en ouderverstoting



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Soundtrack Afrikaanderwijk | music

In 6 lessons, children from Afrikaanderwijk make a special soundtrack for Afrikaanderwijk under the guidance of workshop leader Luciano Hiwat. During this series, children in Het Klooster and the neighborhood get to work to find and record samples, write lyrics and produce a beat that symbolizes Afri Wijk.

The 'AFri soundtrack' will be offered to the PO in Rotterdam South as a learning extension from September.

This project is offered by the Humanitas Foundation and De Wijkvereniging Feijenoord.


roots | inspire | connect | exchange

roots | inspire | connect | exchange

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inspires and stimulates social connection through cultural exchange and bringing people , stories and different forms together
of art .
Afro-Caribbean culture is central to everything we do.


for theater and theatrical experiences on location

We create multidisciplinary dance theater for small and medium-sized hall of the theater and theatrical experiences on location. We like to work together to present the most unique experience.


Educational pathways for the
primary and secondary education
& learning extension & workshops

We deliver educational trajectories matching the performances, learning extension trajectories and workshops for primary and secondary education.


Be part of the change

You don't build cities on your own. A world where everyone feels heard, seen and understood does not grow by itself. We need each other for that. We need YOU for that. Join our tribe and be part of the change you want to see.

in on the hype


Workshop Tambú 


Tambu: Modern Afro-Caribbean Dance Workshop (with Live Drums) with Remses Rafaela

Remses Rafaela has been dancing since childhood and has been active since 1996 as a professional dancer,

choreographer and theater maker. His style has many influences from a wide variety of Afro-Caribbean dance

traditions, such as calypso, salsa and also Tambu. Over time he has mixed these styles in a natural way with

acrobatics, hip hop and modern dance, to create his own unique dance language. A style that clearly shows the

effect of history on the evolution of African dance.


Tambu originates from the island of Curaçao from various ancient West African (mainly Congolese) music, dances

and rituals. The “Tambu” is also the name of the accompanying drum, the beating heart of this rhythmic music

culture. These traditions were taken there by Africans were forced to work and live on plantations under appalling

conditions. The first musical instruments were therefore made from (parts of) agricultural instruments, such as the

Chapi (a hoe), the Cachu (made from an old cow horn) but also the Calco (a kind of wind instrument made from a

Calco shell, in which holes have been drilled). .

Traditionally, the Tambu has been "a means of communication" for covertly denouncing events and abuses on the

plantation and targeting public figures without the plantation owners realizing what was happening. But it is also a

dance form, in which partners never touch each other, but dance close together as a unit.

Remses; Tambu lessons are characterized by his commitment, quality, a lot of humor, warmth and conviviality.

Remses Rafaela's Samenwerkingspartners

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